
Monday 17 February 2014

Pandemonium: WMH Team Tournament 16th Feb 2014

So latest Team Tournament took place recently. While it didn't have as big of a turnout as the last one, it still had a fairly sized turnout for our local community, having 12 people coming down, resulting in 4 teams of 3. The Captains of each team were the people who were chosen 1st in the last tournament, and then they each had a chance to pick one player before the chance went onto the next Captain. 

As a results, the teams are pretty mixed up from the last time. Not to mention, quite a few people from the previous tournament didn't come down for this one. The full team spread and lists can be found here. As a comparison, the previous one can be found here. Some players ended up switching factions between the last team tournament and this one, including me. I ended up deciding to try Menoth for this team tournament, which worked out pretty well since I was the only Menoth player there. Who knows, maybe next time I'll try Cygnar as well, although that's more unlikely considering the huge number of Cygnar players suddenly.

The tournament started at 12pm and as expected, one person was late for it. And it was the person whom we all said would be late anyway. Most of us arrived at 11.30am -11.40am and had plenty of time to unpack our stuff and set up. 

The very first match-up was against Team Has-Beens. Each team would nominate one player up at the same time and that player would choose among the remaining 2 players of the other team while the other teams nominated player would choose from the remaining 2 players of his team. Then the remainder would fight each other. 

So the first nominee for their side was Keith and ours was Page. Keith picked me and Page picked John, which left Gene to fight CK. And then it was on. 


The Harbinger of Menoth
- Hierophant
- Vanquisher
- Reckoner

The Covenant of Menoth
Exemplar Bastion Seneschal
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth
High Paladin Dartan Vilmon
Exemplar Errant Seneschal

Choir of Menoth - Leader & 3 Grunts
Exemplar Errants - Leader and 9 Grunts

- Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard
Exemplar Bastions - Leader and 4 Grunts

Lich Lord Terminus

Blackbanes Ghost Raiders (Max)
Revenant Crew (Max)
Revenant Crew (Max)
-Revenant Crew Rifleman
-Revenant Crew Rifleman
-Revenant Crew Rifleman
Revenant Cannon Crew
Necrotech & Scrap Thrall
Captain Rengrave

We play Scenario #2 on the new SR2014. As usual, we're playing deathclock. He ends up going first. I've never faced this army before so understandably, I'm not too certain of my odds. 

Turn 1
-1 focus to each jack. He runs everything up on the first turn, due to his tier benefit giving him a bonus to speed. Understandably, he also wants to get near the zone before my feat stops him cold. The ghost raiders run up the left flank, while the 2 Revenant crews run up the middle and right flank respectively, keeping their captains far behind. The harrowers run up into the zone. The cannon runs into the forest. Terminus follows behind it. 
+So far my options are pretty simple. I give 1 focus to both jacks. The errants walk up the left flank and start shooting at the Revenants and Raiders where possible. I know they're going to come back anyway, but preferably, I want them to be KDed than to have all their movement available to them. But some of them don't make their tough rolls and die. Bastions run up the right flank. Vanquisher and Reckoner run up the center, near the zone. I don't run the Reckoner up too far ahead because I forgot to give it enliven before it moved. Doh. So I need it to be within 10" of the Vassal just in case. The vassals move up and give both jacks enliven. Vilmon walks up and says he can only be hurt by magic.The choir move up and make the jacks immune to non-magical shooting. Harbinger moves up and feats. The BS runs up after Harbinger. Rhupert gives the errants tough. The book walks up and says no KD. 

Turn 2
-So during the feat turn, he gives 1 focus to each jack. His Infantry ends up shuffling around but not advancing into my control area, which really means most of them move backwards. The cannon crew shoots harbinger and actually does 3 points of damage!! Even when I'm camping focus. Luckily his harrowers are out of range of Harbinger and they end up trying to kill errants instead with his shots. Including the revenant weapon crew.  Terminus casts malediction on himself.
+Hmm, one harrower is within charge range of the Reckoner. But he is protected by several revenants standing in front of it. I give 3 focus to the Reckoner. The choir sings battle on the warjacks. The vanquisher walks up and shoots at the revenant blocking charge lanes to the Harrower and hits. It kills a few of them and others make their tough rolls. No problem. Bastions order charge into the Blackbane raiders and kill them as well. My errants walk up and shoot at the KDed revenants as well as whatever they can see that is a good target. I would charge with them before I've been told I play them too aggressively for a tarpit unit and it seems to be true. So I end up walking and shooting. I clear the charge lane for the Reckoner. Harbinger casts crusaders call and gets a focus from a wrack. Vassals gives the Reckoner and Vanquisher enliven. The Reckoner charges up into the Harrower and kills it with all his focus. One long-range threat gone. Vilmon walks into the zone and says only magic can hurt him. Book walks up and says no KD. Rhupert gives the errants tough. Bastion Seneschal runs up. 

Turn 3
-Well, one warjack is dead. He gives 3 focus to the Harrower and upkeeps malediction. I also killed the captain of the middle revenant crew, which means no coming back for them. The blackbanes charge and try to kill my bastions but thanks to my bond, I just keep transferring the damage. I am on fire though. The cannon makes a shot on the objective but does 1 damage to it. The revenant crew on the middle walks up and surrounds my Reckoner, making sure not to attack it. Guess he doesn't want it to suddenly trigger enliven. The revenant crew on the right charge my errants, who then proceed to tough and self-sac it out. The Harrower walks up and threshers to try and kill 3 errants as well as 3 of his own guys, thanks to them being in reach as well. Only 1 errant survives after he spends all his focus. Terminus charges the Reckoner and it actually survives, leaving it on 2hp. Oh snap. 
+ I roll for fire and survive for the bastions. 2 focus to the Vanquisher. My reckoner has no cortex left so it gets nothing I see a charge lane to Terminus and I'm tempted to take it. But to do that, I need to clear out some revenants. The hierophant gives the Harbinger minus 1 to spell cost. Harbinger gets a focus from the wrack. I walk up and cataclysm some of the blackbanes surrounding my bastions and then I purify to get rid of the fire on them. There's no one else on fire so I'm good there. Then finally, I cast crusaders call. I'm living dangerously since I'm dry on focus. First the choir sings battle and a vassal gives the Vanquisher an ancillary attack. I kill some blackbanes near the Reckoner. Vanuisher moves up and shoots at Terminus, boosting to hit. Then he sac pawns to Rengrave who then sac pawns it to another revenant. DOH. Forgot about that chain sac-pawn. As a last resort, Vilmon has to charge and kill a revenant to clear the charge lane. The seneschal walks up and kills a blackbane raider. The bastions activate and charge Terminus. Sadly, I don't kill him. Nor do I damage him severely since only one Bastion makes it in. The errants order a charge and then just proceed to massacre the revenant crew on the right. I even kill off the captain with an assault shot from the Seneschal, meaning they're not coming back either. Rhupert gives the errants tough and the book says no KD.

Turn 4
-Terminus camps his focus and flies away from the bastion and the Reckoner. I deal some more damage to him but it's hardly enough to kill him. He flies towards his own objective and at this point I'm not really sure what he's doing. The revenants end up massacring a lot of my errants. The cannon and the harrower shoot at the objective and finally kill it. After several rounds of shooting. BlackBane raiders walks up and tries to kill some bastions but a retaliatory strike from the Bastion Seneschal kills one of them. Since his time is running out, he quickly passes it back to me. 
+3 focus to Vanquisher. Choir sings battle. Vassal1 gives it enliven. Errants clear a charge lane to the Harrower. Vilmon turns around and does the same. It charges the Harrower and somehow doesn't end up killing it. Even with an ancillary attack from Vassal2. Wth. Bastions heal from the Seneschal and continue running in to kill more of his units. Bastion Seneschal runs into the zone. Book walks up and says no KD. Rhupert gives the errants tough. Harbinger walks into the zone, camping focus and taking a focus from the wrack. 

Turn 5
-Terminus camps his focus and flies around again. His remaining units try to attack mine but at this point, his time runs out. Meaning he loses by default.

Thoughts on game
Somewhat brutal. I got lucky that his harrower was so upfront in the 2nd round, so I could charge it and kill it with the Reckoner. I'm honestly not too certain what Terminus was flying around for at the end for. Maybe he was trying to find a clear charge lane to Harbinger? Honestly it would have been much harder for me to kill him if he had just flown up to me and camped in my face. Sure, he'd take multiple freestrikes but he can probably live through it. I think. As it was, if the game had gone on, I would have won on scenario probably since my units at that point far outnumbered his and for some reason, my reckoner was STILL alive.

Our team ended up winning this round, with Gene winning his matchup and with my victory. Team StupidwithMe ended up losing to Team AAS.

On to round 2, where we face Team StupidwithMe. Peter was chosen as the first player, which surprised us because his lists were pretty strong and he could probably have a more than decent chance against anyone. Gene was our tribute for this matchup and he picked Johan; mostly because none of us were too certain of our chances with Runes of War while Peter picked Page. I ended up facing against Khador. 

He picks his Karchev list and I pick Harbinger again. We roll for deployment and I end up going second again. We play Scenario #11.


The Harbinger of Menoth
- Hierophant
- Vanquisher
- Reckoner

The Covenant of Menoth
Exemplar Bastion Seneschal
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth
High Paladin Dartan Vilmon
Exemplar Errant Seneschal

Choir of Menoth - Leader & 3 Grunts
Exemplar Errants - Leader and 9 Grunts

- Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard
Exemplar Bastions - Leader and 4 Grunts

Karchev the Terrible
-Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker

Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
Doom Reavers
-Greylord Escort
Winter Guard Infantry
-Winter Guard Officer & Standard Bearer
Battle Mechaniks
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt
Turn 1
-Everything runs up. Karchev chooses +2" movement,casts tow and charges towards Harbinger. It's a failed charge but he's gotten where he wants to be. Near the zone. The Nyss hunters run up towards him. The mechanics follow behind, a fairly safe distance away. The Winterguard run up the center flank, towards their objective while Aiyana and Holt camp on a nearby hilltop behind them. Kovnik Joe gives them fearless and tough and run as well. The doomreavers run up around the left flank, around a forest. 
+1 focus to both jacks. My errants walk up and try to shoot the winterguard and kill one. My jacks both run up. Vassals gives them enliven. Choir says they can't be shot except by magical weapons. Rhupert gives the errants tough. Book walks up and says no KD. Vilmon runs up towards the center. Bastions run up the center as well. I'm planning to tough this out. Harbinger walks up, purifies and feats and gets 1 focus from the Wrack. Since he doesn't have Behemoth, I'm not that afraid of a long range assassination. 

Turn 2
-No focus allocation. One of his doomreavers tests the range of Harbingers feat and dies for it. Karchev gets 1 extra focus and ends up recasting tow. He walks into the zone. And within range of Reckoner. Again. He is camping 4 focus though. The rest of his troops just stand there with Aiyana and Holt taking a few potshots at the errants. I choose to matyrdom those that fail their tough check. 
-3 focus to Reckoner, 1 to Vanquisher. My errants walk up and choose to shoot at the Nyss and winterguard. Several of them make their tough checks but more importantly, I clear a path to Karchev. The book walks up and says no KD. Rhupert gives the errants tough.Vilmon runs up to engage the Winterguard, just to delay them for one turn.Bastions run up. Choir gives the jacks battle. Vanquisher walks up and shoots Karchev and hits. I boost the damage. They're all on fire now. Vassals give the jacks enliven. Hieropant gives -1 to spellcost for Harbinger. Harbinger walks up and purifies and then casts Crusaders call. My reckoner assaults Karchev and I down his body with all my attacks. This means he can't allocate focus. Also, his main axe arm is down as well. This doesn't look good for him.

Turn 3
-No focus allocation. Joe gives the winterguard fearless+tough. Then he stands there wondering how to deal with Vilmon. He could spray him to death but it's dice minus 6 and he also has a 50% chance of missing. Also, he's likely to catch his own guys. Aiyana tries to kiss Vimon but misses and hits the WG instead. Holt shoots a few errants.  He walks a few WG in to try and CMA him but they miss. Then he tries to CRA but I tell him CRAs can't be done when the target is engaged in melee. Then he decides to move onto his next activation, which is more important. The doomreavers charge one of my wracks, with only 1 hitting it. He dies to the explosion. The rest meanwhile stand further off. Funny thing is he actually rolls to hit and he rolls 1,1 then I tell him it's actually immobile so he didn't need to roll. We just act as if he hits it anyway. Karchev casts unearthly rage, and proceeds to hit the Reckoner with his axe. He hits and I enliven away. He then feats. His demolisher charges my Reckoner and hits with both attacks. The spriggan charges my Reckoner and hits as well with both attacks. However, this just means the Demolisher is open. Nyss walk up and shoot the errants.
+3 focus to Reckoner. It's mace arm is down but it can still hurt an open Demolisher. 3 focus to Vanquisher. Hierophant gives the Harbinger minus 1 to spell cost again. Harbinger activates and casts Guided hand on both the Bastions and Errants and then walks away. Errants charge the Nyss and Karchev and the Demolisher. I deal a fair bit of damage to Karchev, leaving him with 6 health. Bastions charge the Demolisher where possible. Vassal gives the Vanquisher enliven. Choir walks and blocks the Doomreavers charge lanes as well as singing battle. Vanquisher charges the Demolisher and deals a heavy amount of damage to it but it's still alive. Reckoner activates and hits the Demolisher whose movement is down and kills it. It then buys and boosts an attack on the Spriggan, which hits and then buys another attack again which hits. Vassal walks up and gives it an ancillary attack which hits again. Meanwhile Vilmon is going full on impervious wall on the WGDS, refusing to move at all. Book walks up and says no KD. 

Turn 4 
-Karchev keeps all his focus. He gets extra focus and then casts unearthly rage and eruption, pushing everyone back from himself. He then walks away since he's no longer engaged with anyone. Mechanics walk up and try to repair and heal him for 5. Nyss and WG shoot at my errants. Aiyana tries to kiss the Vanquisher, misses and hits the Spriggan... The Spriggan kills the Reckoner with its lance attack but is out of reach to the Vanquisher. The doomreavers kill some choir members since they're blocking their passage. 
+3 focus to Vanquisher. Vassal gives it enliven. Choir sings battle. Vanquisher charges the Spriggan but doesn't kill it. Errants end up finishing the job as well as charging Karchev. This leaves my bastions free to charge the objective, killing it as well as some WG. Rhupert gives the errants tough. Vassal gives the Vanquisher ancillary attack and shoots Karchev but misses, deviating and killing Aiyana and some mechanics. Seneschal charges Karchev and misses.... Rolled 1,1. His movement was DOWN, this was the only way I would have missed. Book walks up and says NO SPELLS. No Unearthly Rage for Karchev this time. Harbinger runs away from the doomreavers. I score 1 point for controlling the zone and 1 for the objective. 

Turn 5
-Karchev kills the bastion seneschal just by buying and boosting attacks. He also kills one of the errants. The mechanics try to repair him again but fail this time. Doomreavers charge the choir who are blocking them again. They kill one and try to berserk onto the objective but it doesn't kill it. Nyss try to CRA Harbinger but fail to punch through her focus boosted armor. Holt shoots the Bastions. For some reason, he chooses not to run anyone else into the zone, like the Nyss, letting me gain another CP.
+I kill everything in the zone and then proceed to kill as many units I can to rack up KP then I run Harbinger into the zone to score 2CP, giving me a scenario win.

Thoughts on game
My opponent thought Karchev could survive the Reckoner, which was probably true but that doesn't mean it won't hurt a lot. Luckily, I downed his body system which prevented him from allocating focus, which saved me a lot of trouble. I did make a mistake with the enliven positioning of the Reckoner though, leaving him free to be charged by the Demolisher AND Spriggan. At the end, I think he realised he was going to lose anyway so he didn't bother trying to prolong the inevitable like running people into the zone to contest. 

Our team won this round again, with Gene winning against Johans Runes of War list and my own victory. This left us at 2-0 vs the next highest of 1-1 as Team HasBeens won Team AAS, leaving both at 1-1. On to Round 3 where we face team AAS. 

Our tribute this time was me as I probably had the highest chance of taking apart the Cygnar eHaley list and I was intending to pick him. Unfortunately, they made the Cygnar player the tribute! So I ended up picking Alvin's Khador and he picked Gene, leaving Page to fight against Alan. 


The Harbinger of Menoth
- Hierophant
- Vanquisher
- Reckoner

The Covenant of Menoth
Exemplar Bastion Seneschal
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth
High Paladin Dartan Vilmon
Exemplar Errant Seneschal

Choir of Menoth - Leader & 3 Grunts
Exemplar Errants - Leader and 9 Grunts

- Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard
Exemplar Bastions - Leader and 4 Grunts

Kommander Zoktavir, The Butcher Unleashed
-War Argus
-War Argus
-War Dog

Madelyn Corbeu
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Iron Fang Kovnik
Iron Fang Kovnik
Widow Makers
Iron Fang Pikemen
-Black Dragon Officer and Standard
Iron Fang Pikemen
-Iron Fang Officer and Standard
Aiyana and Holt
Gobber Tinkerer

This is probably the HARDEST match I've fought today, partially because my brain has been fried. That and I was hungry. I actually forgot to use matyrdom most of the time. So he picks B3 and I pick Harbinger again. This time I end up going first. We play Scenario 4,which really helps Butcher3. 

Turn 1
-1 focus to each Jack.My errants run up the center. My Bastions run up the right flank, skirting the water that is at the edge of the zone. My Seneschal follows behind them. The jacks run up the center, where there's no rough terrain or water. Choir move up and sing no shooting unless magical. Vassal gives both enliven. Rhupert gives the errants tough and book says no KD. Vilmon walks up and says non-magical attacks can't hurt him. 
+Butcher3 moves up and gives the left unit of IFP silence of death. The IFK on the left gives them the shieldwall order. They shieldwall up. The IFK on the right gives the BDIFP the same +2" bonus and the BDIFP shieldwall up into the forest. The widowmakers walk up and shoot at the errants and I choose to matyrdom the shots that the errants fail to tough out. Eiryss runs up. Beast09 runs up the center for free. 

Turn 2
-1 focus to each jack. Harbinger walks up, feats and purifies and casts Crusaders call. The errants walk up and start laying down some firepower, killing 1 widowmaker. Vilmon walks up and says Impervious wall again. He's now toeing the zone. Bastions continue running into the other zone. Choir sings battle. Vassals give the jacks enliven. The Vanquisher walks up and kills some IFP with some blast templates. 
+The fire doesn't go out. Some IFP die. The IFP stay where they are. The BD IFP stay where they are. Even Beast 09 stays where he is. He pretty much switches the turn back to me almost instantaneously.
Turn 3
-1 focus to each jack. The choir sings battle and the Vassal on the right gives the Reckoner enliven. Hierophant gives Harbinger minus 1 to spell cost and she casts Crusaders call. The errants charge the objective and kill the objective. This leaves the Vanquisher free to walk up and shoot some IFP. The Vanquisher gets enliven on it as well. The Reckoner runs past the river. The Bastions position themselves to charge the right objective next turn. I get 1CP for Vilmon being in the zone. He also says Impervious wall and +5 ARM. Book walks and says no KD. Rhupert gives tough to the errants. My Errant Seneschal assaults Eiryss and ACTUALLY hits. He was less than 5" away so he could see through the stealth. 
+He gives 3 focus to Beast09. Aiyana casts kiss on the Vanquisher and Holt shoots some errants. B3 energisers and Beast 09 moves up and it charges the Vanquisher. I enliven away and he buys an attack on a nearby errant, killing it. IFP charge my errants and kill them. Their standard bearer is dead (thanks to fire) so they can't minifeat. The IFK on the right side gives +2" movement to the BDIFP and they walk up again through the forest. Previously, they didn't have LOS through the forest but now they can see into the zone. This will let them charge me next turn. Eiryss walks past my Errant Seneschal and shoots the Vanquisher, disrupting it. 

Turn 4
-My turn now. 3 focus to Reckoner. Choir sings battle Vanquisher gets an ancillary attack and shoots the IFP but kills only a few of them. It then walks up and shoots the IFP again and kills a few of them. But there's more than enough left to kill it in return.  Errants charge Beast09 and some pikemen and kill whatever they can. I'm losing the attrition game right now. Something to do with the fact IFP are armor 18 vs my pow 10 crossbows. I get minus 1 to spell cost from hierophant. Harbinger casts Crusaders Call. Reckoner gets enliven and charges into Beast09. It's left with TWO hp after it all, forcing me to use Vilmon to charge and kill it off. Bastions charge and kill the objective, leaving them open to be counter-charged by the BDIFP. Book walks up and says no spells. Rhupert gives the errants +1 to defense. I have 3CP. Errant Seneschal kills off Eiryss.
+The IFP charge and kill off my vanquisher. Alexia tries to charge my Vilmon but I point out there's a linear obstacle in her way and she has no pathfinder so she ends up charging into a bastion and stopping, failing charge. Phew. Butcher energisers since he's still out of my books range and charges Reckoner. He will only get ONE attack on it since I have enliven but OMG does he roll insanely high. That ONE attack does TWENTY damage to my Reckoner. It was like 'WTF just happened??' He also can't cast impending doom to drag my Reckoner bag because the Book just says No. He feats and stands there at armor 24. The BDIFP charge and kill my bastions and I ACTUALLY forget to use matyrdom to save them. Derp. He runs madelyn and the gobber tinker into the zone. As well as the IFK on the left. 

Turn 5
-Okay, I'm losing this game and it all depends on this round. I am so badly out attritioned at this point it's incredible. First, I give 2 focus to Reckoner. I measure Harbingers control area to find out her charge range. I plan to charge into the zone. Vilmon kills an IFP in the zone which hits and kills it. Errants walk up and shoot another IFP in the zone which kills it. I have 1 more IFP to kill and 1 IFK and 1 madelyn corbeau and 1 gobber tinker in the zone. This is down to the crunch. My vassal walks up, uses magic on the IFK, HITS. I need 10 to kill it, I roll 10. OMG! Errant Seneschal assaults the last IFP. KILLS IT!! At this point I'm going omgomgomg in my head. I get minus 1 to spell cost on Harbinger. I cast Crusaders, charge 11" into the zone, measure the range to the gobber tinker. It's within 8!!!!! I cast cataclysm. It hits madelyn Corbeau too!!! I boost both damage rolls. BOTH DIE! I end the turn, scoring my last 2 points needed to win!!

Thoughts on game
Holy crap, did the stars ever align for that turn. This was a really uphill battle for me, since I had a very very hard time trying to punch through armor 18 without engaging the IFP. I also didn't want to walk too close to the IFP to cast fear of god on them because that may have very likely left me within range of Butcher3. It also helped that my opponent was fairly rusty so he forgot a lot of things he could have done, like running his troops up the first turn instead of just shieldwalling up. This would have left him in the zone on the 2nd turn and it would have been very hard to dislodge him.

With that victory, my team ends up winning the round. Gene loses his match to Samuel while Page wins Alan. This leaves at 3-0 while Team Has-Beens loses to Team StupidwithMe. For those keeping score, this means the other teams all have records of 1 victory, 2 losses. All 3 of them. What are the odds of this??

It ends up becoming a 3 way tiebreaker. 
With the final results tallied up, 3rd place is...Team StupidWithMe
Followed by Team Has-Beens
And finally, in first place Team GPS
The tournament was pretty fun and we tend to have bigger turnouts for Team Tournament than we do for single tournaments. I guess people tend to prefer playing in a team. 

Interestingly enough, Cryx had the MOST players in this tournament, with 3 Cryx players. There were only 2 Cygnar players and 2 Khador players while the rest of the factions were represented by only 1 player, if at all. Just like the previous tournament showed, there's a fair amount of Cryx, Cygnar and Khador players in the local meta. 

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